In the complex and often emotionally charged world of divorce, military couples face unique challenges that set them apart from their civilian counterparts. The intricacies of military life, including deployments, frequent relocations and specific legal regulations,...
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Military Divorce
Are you still covered under TRICARE if you divorce a servicemember?
Along with the many challenges inherent in having a spouse who’s in the military come some pretty good benefits. Among them is health insurance via TRICARE. If you’re a civilian who’s going to be divorcing a current or retired service member (active duty or reserve),...
How is a military divorce different from a civilian one?
Divorce is never easy, but when one or both parties involved are members of the military, the process can become even more complex. The divorce process for those who serve in the Armed Forces varies from those of civilians without such obligations and can be...
What’s the military 10/10 rule?
When going through a military divorce, there are several special considerations. Custody issues can get tricky when one spouse has frequent deployments or duty station changes. One heavily debated topic surrounding the military community is the 10/10 rules. It’s...
Creating a Military Family Care Plan
The military lifestyle is one of constant change. Frequently, servicemembers are asked to be ready to deploy with little notice or time to prepare. That’s why there is a big focus on deployment readiness, which indicates your ability to move out under orders. A...
Are my military benefits considered marital property in Washington?
If you work in the military and remain in the military for many years, you will accrue benefits that your spouse may share. If you and your spouse later get a divorce, it is possible that your military benefits could be considered marital property and be divided now...
How are military and civilian divorces different?
From a legal perspective, active-duty military members who are divorcing their spouses go through the same proceedings as civilians. However, if you or your Washington spouse are in the military and planning to divorce, there are some additional factors to consider....